The pandemic directly impacted our food supply this spring. Just at the time of year when our fall food drive stores were at their lowest, the pandemic arrived. Spring food drives were canceled. But thankfully food and financial donations came from local individuals, neighborhood, Grange, and church food drives, young people held two roadside flower stands, and food barrel donations climbed. We had a tough time finding food to purchase in the beginning weeks – as stores were unable to keep food supplied for their own shoppers. We initially purchased food from Bi-mart, Farmlands Market, and Cottage Grove Grocery Outlet. It was incredible how generous they were to allow us to purchase food from them, even as they struggled to keep their stores stocked! Our most recent purchase from Grocery Outlet (just under two tons of food) averaged only .87 cents per pound – thanks to their buying power and additional 10% discount. Our shelves are well-stocked now. The pandemic is far from over and we expect that our distribution will ebb and flow over the coming months. But thanks incredible community support, we are prepared to help those in need during this time.